A: No. I actually moved hundreds of miles away when I realized that she was falsely telling people that she was being stalked. Despite my having moved so far away, she continued these false allegations to attack me for over a year after I moved up here.
Before moving to Presque Isle from Portland, I had moved from Falmouth to Portland to get away from everything for a little bit. A week later she found out where I was living and moved into an apartment down the street from me in Portland where her lying about me continued.
Q: What did happen, then?
A: I was very upset about the way she ended our engagement so soon before our planned wedding with no explanation, no warning, no closure, and in a very abusive way. I tried for quite a while trying to calm her down so that some sense could be brought to it.
She was using very mutual correspondence as 'evidence' for this. During the time she was saying this to people, she actually spent the night at my new apartment at one point. At the time I was trying to get her to calm down a little bit and I was very hurt. I was sending alot of text messages and emails at the time, though, and I did try to visit her on two occasions during the first two months after we broke up and called the wedding off suddenly.
Q: If Courtney Pawloski wasn't stalked, why did she say she was being stalked by Jerry Thibodeau?
A: I don't know. I do know that she was very, very angry, and that she didn't know why she was angry for a very long time. If she did know why she was angry, she was pretending not to know.
I also know that at the times when she was more angry, the accusations became more severe.
At one point at the peak of our breakup she was trying to convince people that I was a literal 'murderer'.
Q: Courtney Pawloski has told friends and family that Jerry Thibodeau is creating fake facebook accounts and posing as other people to try to find out her personal information. Did Jerry Thibodeau create fake facebook accounts to stalk Courtney with?
A: No. I was accused of this many times, though, and I still have no idea where that one was coming from.
I did however have many blog entries on a myspace account that were set to 'friends only' so that she couldn't read them. This was to try to fix an issue where I was noticing that my visitor tracker on my blog was reporting that her IP address was viewing my blog and profile somewhere in the range of 30-40 times a day for a span of over a year. Soon after I started setting my blog entries to 'friends only', I got a friend request from a very good looking unknown myspace user with a stolen picture. As soon as I accepted the 'friend request' my blog tracker reported her IP address as viewing the blog entries marked as 'friends only'. I deleted the user that had added me from my friends list again, and my IP tracker did not show her IP address for another week or two.
When I confronted her about all the blog hits I was getting from her, she has admitted sometimes that she was watching my blog very closely, and other times she denies having ever viewed my blog at all. I really don't see it as that big of a deal.
When I confronted her about the fake myspace user, she denied having created the user vehemently and said that my tracker must be broken. I believe her, but I felt like this anomaly was worth mentioning. It was also the last time we interacted, and shortly after that interaction her viewing rate dropped down to once or twice every other week.
I think this accusation was Courtney's way of covering up the fact that several times she would give me her number so that she could lash out on me for a few weeks periodically, change her number, and then tell people it was because 'I had "somehow" gotten her number and was 'stalking' her 'again'".
Q: Courtney Pawloski has sworn on several affidavits, police reports, testified under oath to, and also told friends that Jerry Thibodeau tried to "force entry into her home".
This accusation was at the core of all of the stalking allegations directed towards Jerry Thibodeau and was also used as the sole basis in the claim that Jerry Thibodeau was 'behaving violently'. All accusations from then on have stemmed from this allegation.
Did Jerry Thibodeau try to force entry into Courtney Pawloski's home?
A: Absolutely not. It just didn't happen. I didn't even do anything that could be exaggerated to sound like that.
Courtney has since apologized to me privately for lying about this specifically and for nothing else. She had no explanation as to why she said this about me, but she did say that she was sorry, and I believe her. However, the social repercussions of this lie were never remedied because she didn't tell anyone that she had been lying after she apologized to me for it. So the people she had told this to just kept believing it.
The day after she filed this lie on a police report she filed for a restraining order during which time she claimed that her life was in danger and that I had tried to force entry into her home past her room mate and cousin, Jessica Hagan. The entire event was fabricated.
A week prior to making this claim, Courtney Pawloski had found out where I was living and then moved a block away from my new apartment in Portland. She moved to Portland from Falmouth, a different city, to do this. Her roommate while she was living a block away from me and pretending to be stalked was Jessica Hagan, who helped her create some of these lies.
As to her motivations, I have no idea what would possess someone to do that to an ex-fiance they'd just gutted emotionally and abused for several months.
Q: Courtney has made the claim that Jerry was abusive during their engagement. Is this true?
No, it is not. I was actually very gentle with her and gave her anything she wanted. Courtney would often demean me and accuse me of cheating on her. Courtney was emotionally abusive towards the end of our engagement.
Q: Courtney has made the claim that Jerry cheated on her during their engagement. Is this true?
No, it is not. I never cheated. I never thought about cheating. I never came close to cheating.
Courtney did, however, often pretend to be at work when she was not, and I am aware of one time specifically when she spent an unplanned afternoon at the apartment of a member of the Air National Guard, and was acting very strangely when I found out, she would not come home for hours after I told her I felt strange about the visit because she had said she was going to be at work at that time earlier in the day and we usually told each other where we were going to be, and then she refused to talk about it when she got home. I was not confrontational about it, just concerned. I slept on the couch that night.
Update: It was later revealed that this person was actually the guy mowing our lawn at the house we lived at, and that they'd been having an affair while I was at work. They later become Married. His name is Garth Saucier, and her new name is Courtney Saucier. It also came to light that she was with child and in her second trimester when we parted ways. The story about what happened with the child is graphic and I am deciding whether or not to publish it.
This will be edited as more questions are thought of and asked. It's sort of a way to brainstorm content for the site.
- Mention Courtney following me to online forums to 'recruit people'.
- Introduce Diana Parker and Hadrian McCiche who helped her after they were recruited.
- Websites Parker and Group Created to stalk me with.
- essembly.com where stalking me took place on a more personal level.
- Show messages Courtney has written to me that say that she is monitoring all of my internet activity obsessively while accusing me of stalking her.
- Post about letters that were written to my family by her accomplice stalkers.
- Have a Lie/Truth column where lies that were told about me are listed next to their accompanying truth.
- Link to discussions where people doing this on her behalf thought it was actually 'funny'.